By adopting the best Corporate Governance practices, encompassing the interests of your stakeholders, providing guidance and continuously monitoring executive management, the company achieves an important competitive edge ahead of its competitors, favoring its longevity. Moreover, building adequate Corporate Governance models contributes to optimal use of resources, maximization of the company’s value and increase of credibility and the trust level of investors.

Creating an effective Corporate Risks Management environment, with a clear definition of governance, methodology, processes and procedures, combined with appropriate allocation of human resources and good structuring of audit and controls processes contributes to raising the level of reliability of the processes and boost the productivity and operational efficiency of the organization.

Implementation of Compliance programs ensures compliance with standards and regulations in force, implements policies, defines parameters for employee conduct and sets rules for behavior relative to partners and suppliers, establishing the ethical pillars that ensure the company’s integrity and sustainability on the long term.

How we support your company

Acting in the capacity as a Management Advisor and/or by providing consulting relative to the Board of Directors and the Ethics, Risks, People, Cybersecurity, Information Security and Audit Committees, promoting adequate execution of activities and defining the responsibilities of these groups.

We provide guidance and we help in the structuring and implementation of GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) areas and other Corporate Governance areas, participating in activities including education, awareness, alignment, understanding, planning, execution and management.

We act in Risk Management by establishing governance, methodology and processes for identifying, assessing and continuously monitoring threats and opportunities on a predictive basis, integrated to the strategic planning process through the Foresight method, thus mitigating risks and contributing to meeting the strategic business goals, as well as to the growth and solidification of the organization’s longevity.

We support our clients in implementing internal audit processes and in defining Compliance rules for adding value to the business.